Off to Highpoint, NC
Tomorrow Isabel and I head to Highpoint, NC to start our adventure with The Design Network and our show, Architainment. We will be joined by all of the stars of the network, promoting the new Fall lineup, the Design Network and the furniture capital of the world! I am looking forward to meeting everyone and have sure enjoyed all of the new shows released thus far! You will find an amazing array of topics, fabulous content, and photography all hosted by my fellow designers.

As many of you know we have been filming away. I thank ALL of the clients who have so graciously participated and opened their homes to us. We are fine tuning our first episode and like my homes, we are picking it apart clip by clip so please be patient as they are shooting for an October 29th premiere! When it is perfect - it will be done!
Here is a little intro about our show. I encourage you to subscribe to The Design Network now and you will receive notifications of the release of the show. Please share and enjoy!
I am an architect and designing homes is my passion. I have
been drawing homes since I was four years old when my mom would take me to
model homes on the weekend. I would take the brochures and then create my dream
homes….I have been designing my dream homes now for nearly 50 years.

As many of you know we have been filming away. I thank ALL of the clients who have so graciously participated and opened their homes to us. We are fine tuning our first episode and like my homes, we are picking it apart clip by clip so please be patient as they are shooting for an October 29th premiere! When it is perfect - it will be done!
Here is a little intro about our show. I encourage you to subscribe to The Design Network now and you will receive notifications of the release of the show. Please share and enjoy!

Over this course of time I have designed over 1000 homes in
all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico. From homes along the lakes
of northern Idaho to homes overlooking the Sea of Cortez in Cabo San Lucas we
have done it all. From 1000 square foot
condos, remodels and additions, to 55000 sf estates, from mountain lodges to formal mediterranean compounds, we have
covered a wide range of sizes and styles.
Every project starts with a dream – it is my job as my
client’s architect to fulfill and manifest that dream. To do that I listen – and begin the search
with sketches and concepts with the client virtually extracting the dream onto
paper. My years of travel, combined with my repertoire of homes and clients, gives
me an enormous portfolio of ideas, details, and solutions for how people want
to live to draw upon. Every client and
home gets my personal attention. From the first meeting, to the initial sketches
on paper to the day I actually cook dinner for my client in their new home, it
is my passion to create a home that my client absolutely loves and a home that
enhances the way they live and experience life every day!
A home is not created with a set of plans. The set of plans
are only an instrument of intentions, dreams and ideas. A home is created by
the collective and successful orchestration of the client, architect, builder,
designer and vendors. It takes a TEAM and the better the team – including the
client – the better the home that gets created.
Our show Architainment will show you an array of the
marvelous homes we have created over 35 years and the process, drawings,
meetings, parties, trips, and passion that goes into creating them.