My life is full of contrasts - that is totally who I am. I remember telling Isabel this when we first met…."we could be riding horses in the boonies in the morning and attending a black tie fund raiser that same evening - so if you are up for that and that works for you this will work out!" Of course she was on board and I'm sure she would be the first to tell you that our lives have lived up to that statement.

I write this week's blog from the boonies of Northern New Mexico and next weekend we will be staying in Mid-Town Manhattan! What more of a contrast can you find than that - and I LOVE both. Northern New Mexico is special to me in that our Candelaria ancestors originated from this region and my wife Isabel was born here. So this is kind of a second home. I love the land, the architecture, the friends we have made here, and especially the food! Red chile, huevos rancheros, tortillas…..oh my God, this is some of the best and just like my Grandma Rose used to make.

We are relaxing this weekend on Isabel's cousin, Jarred Conley's ranch north of Española, and just a bit south of Goergia O'Keefe's
Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu. What great country and how appropriate to be in O'Keefe's lands this weekend and her antitheses next weekend, New York!
We toured an amazing home in the area that Jarred has the listing on
Hacienda Gracias in Abiquiu that is a very unique interpretation and adaptation of Luis Barragan / Legorreta architecture of Mexico to the style and landscape of Northern New Mexico. From there we went to the
Abiquiu Inn for breakfast and then made our way to Chama, NM and then up to the top of Northern New Mexico and Jarred's family's ranch up in the Tusas Mountains. After a relaxing afternoon we went to Taos for dinner and then back to Jarred's ranch. Nice loop across some amazing country.

Northern New Mexico has so much to explore from desolate deserts to green aspen and pine covered mountains. Coming here is like going to a foreign country with the Hispanic and Native American cultures taking precedent. There are small towns we stop in at and you are hard pressed to find anyone speaking English. There are places here that time has literally forgotten and so many of them to explore and experience. It's been so nice to sleep with the doors and window open, hear the coyotes howl in the distance, and feel the spirit of this land.

So let's move from that image to cabbies, skyscrapers, and Times Square…..that will be about as far from the New Mexico howling coyotes as one could get but I love NYC just as much. What a contrast in energy. I always feel it when we cross the East River and you arrive in Manhattan - I can feel the vibe and electricity of this place. Speaking of cultures - you name, it it is here. Architecture, food, people, sights, sounds - energy! We are coming this time for Isabel to hit the market and we have two sets of clients meeting us for a little shopping - and of course we will make some time for some fantastic dinners. Little Italy, Chelsea's, Upper West Side…..Finally, I look forward to checking out the completed Freedom Tower and 911 Memorial. Looking forward to seeing the progress since I was here in April.
Busy weeks ahead….the office move is right around the corner and of course the Candelaria Design Tour Italy is only 45 days away! Stay tuned for my blog next week from Manhattan!