The Move is On & Done!
Ok August went by like a
blink of an eye. My last blog was written from Santa Fe on August 10th
and here it is September 7th already! Geez…. And I’ve squeezed in a
trip to New York and of course the office move! Yes we are all moved – from our
offices on 12th Street and Campbell to our new home on the 4th
floor at 6900 East Camelback Road right
next to Nieman Marcus! How perfect is that ladies! In fact when you leave our
office building you have to walk through the Ladies Shoe Department of Nieman

Of course they shipped me to
NYC the week the office was moving so I would be out of the way and the whole
CDA team could make the move. That was a smart decision. Thank you!!! After
moving my home in July and now the office in August it has been quite the
whirlwind – all the while keeping the projects moving!
Get ready for our Open House
later this Fall! In the meantime, stop by for an espresso and come check us