There really is nothing quite
like the Villa d'Este and Lake Como. I have been exploring Italy now for over
15 years and it is definitely one of my favorite spots in Italy, if not the
world. Now I have a lot of traveling to do and places yet to see, but this
ranks number one on my list so far.
This hotel, staff, setting,
food, guests….it has it all – and they know it. But despite the style and
sophistication there is most definitely and underlying feeling of family with
the staff. Again, as in most of my travels in Italy, I have the same staff,
waiters and bartenders every year. It really makes it special especially when
you return a year later and they remember your cocktail and how you like it.
Now that is service.
The hotel is fabulous but so
are the grounds and gardens. Spectacular!!! Set alongside Lake Como the gardens
gracefully dance up the hillsides while spectacular water features trickle
every melodically down the Italian cypress lined alle’s. Pictures, as beautiful
as they are, cannot come close to capturing the splendor of the experience.
Well, after a 5 -7 hour drive,
my travelers were ready for a little R and R. The rooms are exquisite and have
the roll down black-out shades on the windows. So with these down you have no
clue what time of day or night it is when you wake up. I remember once in a
hotel in Barcelona nearly losing a whole day because of the black-out shades.
Isabel and I slept in until 9:15 which was very nice. We awoke to beautiful
hazy lakeside sunshine. We made our way to the hotel dining room for a lovely
breakfast and hellos from our travelers as they slowly drifted in to start
their day.
Nothing was on the agenda for
the day with the exception of a surprise
5 hour cocktail boat ride on the lake to Belagio and then dinner on an island
in the lake, Evelyn Jung, who runs my
business and so expertly choreographs this trip each year, texted me the
surprise final addition to the trip itinerary! My travelers were excited but
truly had no clue as to what they were in for,
Evelyn, who had went on last year’s trip and put together Isabel and my
surprise wedding, obviously knew how I like to end these trips with a grand
finale’ and this year was going to be no exception.
After a relaxing day of massages
at the spa – compliments of Isabel as an anniversary gift – napping, shopping, and lunch at the poolside veranda, it was time
to rendezvous at the terrace bar for cocktails and then to board our boat. We
boarded at 6pm just as the magic hour of sunlight was dancing on the hills. We
made our way northward in the lake past the houses of Sir Richard Bransom, Dolce Gabanna and of course, George Clooney. Slowly we made our way to the
village of Belagio as the last glow of indigo light teased our senses in
contrast with the golden twinkle of the lights of Belagio, Magical.
We took a quick stroll
through Belagio and then it was off to our final destination – the Island of
Comacina and the Locanda della' Isola.What a fun place. Evelyn had set up a family
style meal, so we sat down, and just as so many of our meals with this group – the
food just started coming! The meal was capped off by the owner performing quite
a ritual with flaming coffee that captured the attention of the entire
restaurant. Of course he chose Isabel to sample to concoction and she gave it
the thumbs up so we were good to go! A group picture and it was back on the boat after a 3 hour feast.
The boat ride home was
beautiful with the darkness broken only by the gold twinkle light of the
villages smattered on the hills, the moonlight, and the revolving beacon from
the lighthouse on the hill. It all seemed
like a dream – and yes it was a dream.
The next day was more the
same, sleeping in, enjoying some downtime and then a wonderful farewell
cocktail on the terrace and dinner in the dining room of course with none other
than George Clooney himself…. J
So ended our 11th
Candelaria Design Tour Italy. We said our goodbyes, said goodnight, and got
ready for a 4am wakeup call and our drive to Milan for our flight back to
reality. Our Italy dream was coming to an end……
Thank You Mark and Isabel for the Memories! Dave & Becky Stockett