Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Week!
Happy Sunday to you all! Getting ready for one of my favorite holidays of the year - Thanksgiving! See my Thanksgiving Blog from last year for my thoughts on this holiday. I love the food, the family, and giving thanks. We all have so much to be thankful for - that is for sure.

In terms of thanks, I first have to start with my family. My beautiful wife Isabel who is so supportive of us and me and our family. She truly is my angel on earth. We have so much fun together and she she is most definitely my best friend. I'm thankful for my three lovely daughters. They are all so different and so unique and it is so crazy to see them grow up and become their own person. Then let's add my parents, Don and Karin, and Isabel's mom, Alette. How wonderful to have my mom and dad relocate from Denver to just a few blocks from Isabel's mom, Alette, down in Maricopa! Having them all together and enjoying family meals and Bronco games together is an absolute gift and one that is very special to me. My father turns 80 in January and so we are excited to celebrate in style.
Then there is my staff at Candelaria Design. Wow you guys are amazing and such a talented crew to work with. You all share my passion for design combined with hard work and pleasing our clients. We laugh, we collaborate, we solve problems, and we create together. I love working with you all.

Then there are our clients and projects. I am so thankful for you of course - without you and your projects I'm not sure what I would be doing or who I would be. We are blessed to have some absolutely amazing clients who have achieved so much in their lives. You inspire and teach me and hopefully we give to you beauty and a home that is a reflection of you, your dreams, and a home that enhances your life.

Let's add all of our builders, vendors, and craftsmen/artisans we are so blessed to collaborate with! It's so funny that my true best friends are all current or former builders and clients. It's so nice to be able to work with your best friends!
The list goes on and on and when you really start to think of all the things you are thankful for its a pretty long list. We all get caught up with our problems and problems are always there and a part of life. Seriously, take the time this week, and invite your family to join you, in writing out a list of all the rings you are thankful for and then after Thanksgiving dinner read your lists. You will find that all of our lives are a lot richer and fuller than we sometimes give credit for.

So everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving. Between the food and football take the time to connect with your family and friends and enjoy the simple things in life. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Candelaria Design!

Let's add all of our builders, vendors, and craftsmen/artisans we are so blessed to collaborate with! It's so funny that my true best friends are all current or former builders and clients. It's so nice to be able to work with your best friends!
The list goes on and on and when you really start to think of all the things you are thankful for its a pretty long list. We all get caught up with our problems and problems are always there and a part of life. Seriously, take the time this week, and invite your family to join you, in writing out a list of all the rings you are thankful for and then after Thanksgiving dinner read your lists. You will find that all of our lives are a lot richer and fuller than we sometimes give credit for.

So everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving. Between the food and football take the time to connect with your family and friends and enjoy the simple things in life. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Candelaria Design!