We have made it to ROMA! Christmas 2015
You see I have three daughters, ages 10, 13 and 28 and that
in itself automatically puts me in the running for a badge of honor. Traveling
with two tweens is an adventure and when my oldest, Tiffany age 28 hooks up
with these two its definitely gang up on Dad!
This is the first trip officially for Sophia and Isabella.
Bella was here when she was 18 months as I brought her on one of my early
Candelaria Design Tour Italy trips. It will be fun to compare the pictures from
the same spots in Italy some 12 years later. I am so excited to get them out
and start showing them around. This is my wife Isabel’s first trip to Rome even
though her 5th trip now to Italy. I have been to Rome many times so
I am anxious to get out there and get them on one of my power days!!!
Stay tuned, my camera is ready and my wife Isabel, the girls and I have some amazing adventures ahead of us including a private tour of the Vatican tomorrow – Christmas Eve! How good is that???? Ciao