Atlanta - The Design Bloggers Conference
weekend Isabel and I are back visiting one of my favorite cities in the US and
maybe only second to New Orleans in the South – Atlanta!!!
have been here several times and what always strikes me about Atlanta and the
South in general, is how friendly everyone is here! I know you always hear
about Southern hospitality, but there is definitely a reason for that….it’s

also decided to keep it green this trip and do our best to never step in a car
during the entire trip. I think we both know how much we love the food down
here in the South so we knew we better keep on the go. So far we have done a
great job. We took the light rail, MARTA, from the airport to Buckhead, then
walked with our bags a good quarter mile to our hotel, and yesterday hiked all
through Buckhead racking up 20,000 steps on our IWatches! The weather could not be more perfect. 40’s
at night and mid 60’s during the day. Perfect walking weather.
am excited to attend this conference being hosted by The Design Network and all
of the exciting things they have coming including their new platform on the new
Apple TV coming this April including our show SKETCH which will feature eight
new episodes for our Season 2! We have really upped the production with the
addition of our new director, Kenny Moskowitz, “Spanky” and his crew from
Wedgie Creative. They are fantastic and the footage they are shooting and
editing is beautiful. More on this as we get a little closer. I am also
bringing Spanky and the crew on the September Candelaria Tour Italy where they
will film the entire trip as we will be creating daily posts with dramatic
footage and will put the whole trip and story into a whole new Season of SKETCH
goes to Italy!
the meantime, we are having a great time and enjoying some wonderful architecture
and dining along the way. Yesterday, we hiked several neighborhoods in
Buckhead. I love walking to capture the essence of these homes from both a
macro level with the layout of the roads and neighborhoods down to the micro
details of wall, gate, paving, window header details…..What is best, is having
a partner, in Isabel, who loves this I think more than me!!! We get excited
about a cool dormer detail!
after walking all day we did a little shopping in Buckhead - including the new Tom Ford boutique - grabbed lunch at
Dantanna's, did a little more shopping, including our favorites – shoes!
we finished the day with a fantastic dinner at Southern Art with our waiter and
new friend Kurt, who took great care of us. Tonight it was a charbroiled ribeye
with collard greens and sweet potato succotash. Of course add a good Bouvadier
cocktail and some vino and finish with a cigar on the terrace.
in the South is good!