Candelaria Design Tour Italy June 2016 - Day 4 - Off To Umbria!
Ok so now is when the trip always gets a little exciting /
stressful! Day 4 – of course my lucky number right, and this is our 13th
Candelaria Design Tour Italy….right??? Ok – get ready!
We started the day, Saturday, with breakfast at the hotel and
then another morning walk, this time to the San Lorenzo Market! As I have said
many times, I love this place and wish we had even half of this in Phoenix.
Wow! It also makes me want to rent a flat here and come to the market every
morning to stock up and then cook for everyone….. Too many ideas and too little
The market is great and I enjoyed watching and listening to the
people and enjoying the sights, sounds and smells. It’s the best.
We did a little shopping from the street vendors which is always
fun. One thing I did notice, even since just being here over the Holidays, is
the absence of the counterfeit vendors – they seemed to finally gotten rid of
them which is great. They were always so annoying and for someone who produces
original work, the thought of these impostors selling their fake bags and goods
just disgusts me. So I was glad to see them gone! With our shopping done it was back to the
hotel to pack up and get ready to check out of the hotel, load up our transports
back to the airport to pick up our rental cars. Sounds easy right?
Well the check out went perfect and then we got to the vans and
loaded the luggage….all good! Off to the airport where the transport drivers
(two vans) were to drop us off at the rental car lot….not the airport departure
curb. Well convincing the drivers of this request was a challenge especially
when they were trying to drop us off at the departure curb. With a little
coaxing we were able to get them to the rental car lot where of course it
started to rain!
We unloaded all the luggage on the deck and the drivers went
inside to get the paperwork filled out and get the keys to the cars. Meanwhile
the rest of our travelers pitched the umbrellas and waited with their bags
doing their best to stay dry. With keys in hands we loaded our luggage
respectively and got our cars – all 6 cars – in order for our departure to
Umbria. One of my rules is to just stay in your parking spot until I call upon
you to get your car in line but one of my drivers thought they saw us leave so
off they went….. luckily not too far out of the lot before they panicked and
called me wondering where we went? I told them to stop and I would find them,
got the other cars to them and got everyone in order again. I introduced
everyone to Google Maps, gave them pins to our first stop which with 11 women
and only 3 men was the Prada Outlet about an hour south of Florence.
Getting to the Prada Outlet, called Space, all went fine! They
have built a new bridge and faster route to it and so it was a slam dunk. We
shopped for about an hour and then it was off to the market near the Umbrian
Farmhouses. Again no issues – everyone followed right along and we made it to
the market in Mercatale where we stocked up on our provisions for the week!

We gradually settled in and got everyone situated….some year’s
that is easy some year’s it proves a bit more challenging. But as with
everything in life perseverance, patience, and the right attitude can overcome
any challenges!
