San Sebastian Day 4 - Fine Dining At Akelare'
On Day 4 we all got a chance to enjoy San Sebastian but it would be our last full day here.

We enjoyed a nice cup of coffee and some pastries and then made our way back to the hotel to rendezvous with our ladies for a day of sightseeing and shopping. The girls shopped and had a total blast and I enjoyed the architecture.
We stopped for a nice glass of wine and some spritzes and just enjoyed Spain passing by. So nice to just take some time with no rush and just daydream, laugh and chat with two of my most repeat travelers!!! Boy have the four of us had fun over the years and how our lives have changed and transitioned since our first trip together which was in 2012. On that trip to Italy I was still going through my divorce, Isabel was on her first trip with me, and Rebecca had just separated from her husband. Now Isabel and I are happily married, and Rebecca is happily remarried, and Gicela is still just plain happy - as always! I wonder where we will all be five years from now......?
To finish our time in San Sebastian a group of us booked dinner at a 3-star Michelin restaurant, Akelarre just outside of San Sebastian.
Ok first - the architecture and setting are beyond words so even if the food was average I would have been thrilled but then the food comes over a 16 courses and four hours and satisfied is a mere understatement. This is beyond spectacular.

Prawns and Green Beans cooked in "Orujo" Flame and sea roes
Chickpeas and Violet Potato, not conventional at all
Sourced kokotxa, white Garlic Pil-Pil
Hake in Seaweed stem, Piancton and Oyster Leaf
Squid as a Risotto, Butter Flower
Grilled Lamb Loin. Salad in Skein. Mushrooms and Sweetbreads
Melting Cupcake
A Different Apple Tart