Summer Adventures
Happy July to you all. I hope you are all managing to get
some escape time from the Arizona heat and now let’s tack on the monsoon!

She is busy attending meetings, designing, and working away with her team at Earth and Images which she loves so much. She has set up a Caring Bridge account at and so i invite you to follow her battle there!
Meanwhile, we did get away to Colorado for the week of the
Fourth with some family time in the high country off the grid with no cell
service or Wi-Fi for nine days! I made it….. And actually really enjoyed it. We
stayed in a wonderful cabin compound in a small mining village of Platoro,
Colorado up at about the 10,000 foot elevation. OK this is not Park City, Telluride
or Tahoe….. No this is Platoro. Simple, isolated, unpretentious and totally
casual and just what we needed given the last few weeks.

We are all safety home now and back to work. Lots of cool
projects on the boards and under construction now with projects from the
Hamptons to the Oregon Coast line. I love it. We also are very proud to be
featured in the current issue of Luxe Magazine with a beautiful home we created
with Vallone Design,
Berghoff Design
and masterfully constructed by Schultz Development
on the Paradise Valley Country Club. Outstanding job by my associate,
architect, Jeff Kramer! What a wonderful home for absolutely fantastic clients
and friends. Pick up a copy and check it out!
We also just had a remodel featured in Houzz. This project
was a whole house remodel built by True Performance with
interiors by my wife, Isabel and her team at Earth and Images. The project was
spearheaded by out Project Manager, Damon Wake. Houzz featured the Kitchen
Makeover – our Kitchen is number three – Transitional
more to come on this makeover I am sure.
We are also happy to see the winner announced on our
Candelaria Design HGTV Smart Home 2017 right here in Scottsdale, Arizona. So exciting
to see her happiness and I look forward to cooking a Candelaria meal in her new
Finally, make sure to give us your VOTE on the Ranking
Arizona site for the best residential architect! We have ranked number 1 I
believe 5 out of the last 6 years so THANK YOU for the votes. Go to Real Estate
– Residential, then Architectural Firms Residential, then scroll to Candelaria
Design and cast your vote. You can vote every day for the next 15 days!!!
Finally, this week a group of our Candelaria Team will be
heading to Newport Beach, CA for our second year of leadership, management and
career development training with MAPS
I first did this program in 1999 and have loved what it has done for me. A group
of us did this last year and we are excited to get more members of our team on
board. So we may be a bit shorthanded as we head to the end of the week as
Vivian, Evelyn and I will also be flying out to do some long term planning with
our other team members.
We are excited about the second half of the year. It is definitely
getting busier and the Phoenix market is picking up for sure. Ok off to the
drafting table! Have a great July everyone!