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Let's Get 2018 Started!
Well we are diving into 2018 and it has started with a bang! Boy is it busy, which is great, and we are very excited about the new projects along with all of the very amazing projects we already have going!
So far this month I have been to Wyoming, Nashville, and today San Diego so I have already racked up some miles! We have projects going across the country from two projects in New York to a new home in the Bay Area of California and another in Martis Camp near Lake Tahoe. Overall, we have projects going in 11 states now which is great and something I am very proud of as this has been a long-standing goal of our company!
This takes nothing away from the fabulous projects we have going right here in Arizona. Even in Arizona we have projects going from north to south, with three projects underway in the Flagstaff area, and a new renovation and addition in Tubac, Arizona.

It is so rewarding to work in different areas with different styles and all with the most amazing people. I also am loving watching my team grow in creativity and experience. My team is the best and I absolutely love working with them. The advances in technology make it all possible. In fact I have a project in Texas, where I have never been to the site, never met the client, and the project is completed - in fact they have now started Phase 2 of their project. With Facetime, video, photos, and GOTO Meetings it is amazing what we can accomplish anywhere. I love it and the time it saves. Of course, nothing beats seeing the site for real and walking it and smelling it, and experiencing it.... then of course seeing a site by helicopter is not too bad either!!!

So many exciting things going including a new charity project we are pinching in on - a new playground for the River of Hope Orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti. Through builder Michael Dudley and interior designer, Nora Johnson of Est Est they have invited my team to help out in raising the funds and building this new playground. A group from Candelaria Design will be heading to Haiti in April to be a part of the construction crew. We will be co-hosting, along with Arcadia Design Group and Dudley Development, a happy hour event at Arcadia Public Market on Wednesday, February 7th from 6pm to 8pm. where we will explain more about our mission and hopefully raise some funds to make this a reality for these children. See more on our social media in the weeks ahead.

Meanwhile, we have plenty coming up in the weeks ahead with out other philanthropic projects including Gigi's Playhouse, Cafe and University, Colten Cowell Cave and Foundation, Habitat for Humanity https://habitatcaz/org, and Ryan House Stay tuned - we have some cool events and ways for all of you to help make a difference.
One final tidbit, we have posted some more quick episodes of what's happening behind the scenes of Candelaria Design with our SKETCH Daily episodes. Tune in and subscribe on our Candelaria Design YouTube Channel for updated episodes You never know when one of our projects will be featured as we cover a lot of ground everyday and every week!
Isabel Update:
Isabel is doing great and her hair is growing back and each day she gets a bit stronger. Next week she begins her radiation treatments - 33 in all over the next 6 weeks just to make sure they get it all! We cannot thank all of you for the continued prayers, thoughts and posts on our social media and Isabel's Caring Bridge https://www.caringbridge/org/visit/isabelcandelaria