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So Much To Be Thankful For!
Well it has been quite a different year than Isabel and I planned but it will also go down as a year we have learned so much and met so many amazing people. This past Wednesday Isabel completed her last chemo treatment - 16 in all! What a journey it has been and she still has quite a way to go but her courage and faith are guiding her forward with grace and continued hope and optimism. She is truly an amazing woman and I am so blessed to have my angel with me here on earth.

And so with this being Thanksgiving week, I want to continue thanking everyone with the wonderful dinners brought to our home on her Wednesday chemo nights, all the cards, flowers, books, posts, etc.... I hope to have all of you to Casa Candelaria for dinner some time soon! I want to also thank my entire Candelaria Design Team for coming out Wednesday to the clinic for a congratulations bridge for Isabel - she loved it. Finally, a special thanks to my mother-in-law, Isabel's mom, Alette Thompson. She has been there all through this and has done so much for all of us. Thank you! You are also an angel on this earth for our family. You can read more on Isabel's Caring Bridge

Last night, Isabel gathered the energy to make it to the Heart Ball and we were blessed to host a table for our own Vivian Ayala who served on this year's committee. What an event and what a turnout. It was great to see my fellow neighbor, former Senator, Jon Kyle, and meet current Senator Jeff Flake. So many wonderful clients and friends and as I understand from the comments, a record night. Congratulations to all and thanks to my guests - we had a fantastic evening.
Last weekend we were fortunate to have a home on the Phoenix Home and Garden Magazine Home Tour! It was great to spend the afternoon there with builder Brett Brimley of Brimley Development who built this French Revival home for our client. A special thanks to our client who graciously offered her home for the tour. What a fantastic turnout! It was so fun to see clients I had not seen in over 25 years make it out for the day.

Such a special home and special client who has also allowed us to feature her home along with two other specatular Candelaria Design homes for a new book by Patrica Hart McMillan called Christmas - At Designer's Homes Across America. The 2016 edition was a best seller on Amazon and we are so excited to be a part of this year's edition. HEre is the link to last year's book and as soon as the new addition is available we will let you know!
Finally, we also squeezed in a fun run in Scottsdale for the TGen fight against pancreatic cancer in support of our client Nancy Hanley and her late husband Lee who lost his battle against this horrific disease. I am thankful for my crew who made it out during the weekend in support of Team Lee!!!
So many other things brewing and we will be posting some good recipes in the days and weeks ahead. We wish you all a super Happy Thanksgiving! So, so much to be thankful for and I'll be posting over the Holiday with more thoughts on that.....