4th of July - Park City, Utah

I love this Holiday in that it seems everyone checks out for a while. My emails have trickled down to maybe a dozen, mostly just ad-mails! I've had some wonderful time with my girls, lovely wife, Isabel and her mom and family. Now we have a couple days just to our selves to enjoy Park City, Utah. I have been coming here for years usually through the invite of clients and friends who have had or have places up here. What a fun place. If you haven't been - I highly encourage you to come and check it out.

What I love about Park City is how easy it is to get here. As opposed to Telluride or Aspen, Park City is a snap.... hop on a flight from Phoenix and in two hours you are in Salt Lake City. Then either rent a car, or take one of the many shuttles up here and you are here in another hour. Beautiful scenery, great restaurants and bars - yes you can get a drink in a bar here without joining a club like the old days, and lots of fun things to do with the kids from the Alpine slide in the summer to of course, skiing in the winter. The Sundance Film festival in the winter, and add snowmobiling, fishing, hiking, mountain biking......well you get the picture.

We started yesterday with the 4th of July parade. Definitely one of my favorite events of the year. I love the simplicity of it and the purpose - the birth if our nation! I mean where else do you see someone jamming out from the back of a pickup with their porcupine-elk! For someone who has sang the national anthem at a Giants Spring Training game - not once but twice - I love anything that pays honor to our nation and the people who have served to preserve our rights and freedoms. We are all so blessed to live in this country. I loved all the posts from my friends around the country and how they all celebrated the 4th! And let's add tonight's Woman's World Cup Championship Game! Looks like this country is having a fantastic 4th of July!
