Escape to Kingston - One final trip.
I love the West. I don’t mean the West we experience every day living in Phoenix and Scottsdale. I mean what is left of the real West we still see in Westerns. It’s still out there but you do have to get way out to still see a part of it. Luckily, living here in Arizona it is not that far away and if you really venture on a road trip to New Mexico or Wyoming or Montana you can really find some places that time has just passed by.
I know some of you shudder at the thought of a road trip and
many of you never will even dare to do this. But I personally love road trips
and getting off the beaten path. Today's blog comes from the passenger seat while Isabel drives down New Mexico highway 90 southwest of Silver City, NM. Its exactly what we do on the Candelaria
Design Tour Italy – get off the beaten path. I have been trying to figure out
why and I think I know – it’s real. It is what it is, there is no pretense.
People do what they do, they farm, they ranch, they mine, they timber, they
railroad. That’s about all there is to do. They work hard and are one with the
land. There is a connection. They gather at the local diner for super – not
dinner. They talk about their day, their families, their horses, and their
crops……not quite what we talk about when we meet for cocktails at Houston’s.

Isabel’s family bought a summer home that was built in 1885 built by Mr. Dawson who was the town pharmacist. Isabel’s family used the home as an escape and summer retreat from the heat of central New Mexico. Well the home was passed down to Isabel’s mom, Alette, who has been tending to it and using it as her Arizona escape since 1996 but this week she received a cash offer for the property and with her getting older she felt it was time to sell. So we are here sorting through the old items, furniture, nick knacks, and sharing the memories.

In the next 60 days I will be everywhere from LaJolla, CA next week to start on a new home on the beach, to Sedona and Flagstaff to check out some lots for a new project, then a 22 hour road trip with Isabel to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to film three of our homes for the fall premier of SKETCH. From there Isabel and I will head to Manhattan NYC in August for the fall Market – probably run out to the Hamptons to check on our project there – so coast to coast. Then of course we will fly off to Italy for our 2015 Candelaria Tour Italy. Quite a journey from the homestead here in Kingston…….
Great job, Mark!