Rural Mediterranean Estate Featured in Luxe Magazine
We are so proud to have one of my favorite projects featured in the summer issue of LUXE Magazine. This home is very special to me for many reasons. Enjoy the pictures and story in the LUXE feature - but I would like to share the creation and some of the real story behind this house and how special these clients are.
Flash back to October of 2008.... I'm sure everyone remembers how tough things were then. Actually, at that juncture we had just all been kicked in the gut but no one knew how long the healing and recovery would be. Everything had come to a halt, our industry was getting hammered, and there were really few projects out there. The stock market had just fallen 6000 points and we were gearing up for the election - no one knew what to expect! A $27 million dollar project I was attempting to develop with a number of partners had the funding dry up as the Feds shut down the bank we were working with on the day we were supposed to sign the that turned out I know now that was a fortunate turn of events! Add to that my marriage at the time was falling apart. Those of you who know me well, know what I was going through - these were pretty dark days.
Well this client called me in the midst of all this and I went and met them on a Saturday I remember well. We walked the lot and I went through my presentation. Then after the meeting I remember going to the McCormick Ranch Railroad Park and just sitting there praying this project would come our way. I was sure he was interviewing everyone he could given the economic situation so I knew this would be a real blessing if we got this way. I remember him calling while I was still at the park saying we got the job. It was one of several rays of sunshine I received during those dark days that kept me engaged in my work and kept me going.
The client wanted an authentic Rural Mediterranean home and the lot was good but not great...that is until we got on a ladder and stepped up about 5' - wow - the view exploded. Now it was up to us to capture as many of these views as we could. We worked collaboratively in the design as I do with all my clients and as I look back at the first sketches - the essence of the original layout and orientation did not change much. Courtyards, gardens, a pool and spa - even a bridge across a garden below all were incorporated. By raising the house the 5 feet we had room below for a basement so we added a 20 x 40 gym, pilates room, guest bedroom, game room ... oh and a 12 car garage under the 6 car garage above! I love our clients and projects!!!

To give you an idea of how special this client is back in the Christmas of 2008 I was attempting to fly my girls and I up to Coeur d'Alene. Idaho for Christmas - I was pretty sure this might be our last Christmas in our home up there given the economic situation and everything that was happening with marriage. A huge storm was hitting the northwest and every flight we attempted got cancelled starting on the 21st of December all the way up to the 23rd of December....Christmas was fast approaching and every attempt was being thwarted by flight cancellations. We even made it as far as Salt Lake City but had to come back as the flight to Spokane had been cancelled. Well, as written in my December 27, 2008 Blog this client came to our rescue flying us up in his private jet. What a way to go and what a journey that was - you can check our our landing right here - Miracle Landing.

To top that off when the project was completed he hired the PR firm of MMPR Marketing to represent Candelaria Design, the Interior Designer David Michael Miller and builder Anthony Salcito of Salcito Custom Homes and then through an open house whereat we could invite anyone we wanted. Many clients, friends, and followers made it that day which was a wonderful opportunity to show of our work.
Such an amazing client and now friend! Enjoy the Luxe feature and some wonderful footage of the home in our Season 1 of Sketch - Jet Setters on The Design Network and we will be featuring the whole story of the creation of this home in Season 2 of Sketch premiering this Fall! So it's 7 years later and the times have sure changed.....this project has a special place in my heart and history and will always remind me of the lesson to carry on no matter how dark the clouds might be. I hope you enjoy!

Well this client called me in the midst of all this and I went and met them on a Saturday I remember well. We walked the lot and I went through my presentation. Then after the meeting I remember going to the McCormick Ranch Railroad Park and just sitting there praying this project would come our way. I was sure he was interviewing everyone he could given the economic situation so I knew this would be a real blessing if we got this way. I remember him calling while I was still at the park saying we got the job. It was one of several rays of sunshine I received during those dark days that kept me engaged in my work and kept me going.
To give you an idea of how special this client is back in the Christmas of 2008 I was attempting to fly my girls and I up to Coeur d'Alene. Idaho for Christmas - I was pretty sure this might be our last Christmas in our home up there given the economic situation and everything that was happening with marriage. A huge storm was hitting the northwest and every flight we attempted got cancelled starting on the 21st of December all the way up to the 23rd of December....Christmas was fast approaching and every attempt was being thwarted by flight cancellations. We even made it as far as Salt Lake City but had to come back as the flight to Spokane had been cancelled. Well, as written in my December 27, 2008 Blog this client came to our rescue flying us up in his private jet. What a way to go and what a journey that was - you can check our our landing right here - Miracle Landing.

Such an amazing client and now friend! Enjoy the Luxe feature and some wonderful footage of the home in our Season 1 of Sketch - Jet Setters on The Design Network and we will be featuring the whole story of the creation of this home in Season 2 of Sketch premiering this Fall! So it's 7 years later and the times have sure changed.....this project has a special place in my heart and history and will always remind me of the lesson to carry on no matter how dark the clouds might be. I hope you enjoy!