I wish everyone a Happy 4th of July! My favorite Holiday of the year.
My Candelaria Clan has headed north to Park City, Utah for the long weekend! Wow is it nice and cool up here - nice drive up, a little rain, good tunes, all good!
I love this Holiday, as I have written in past blogs, in that it seems everyone winds it down and just gets into the Holiday and some family time. The emails have come to a halt, the phone is quiet and its just some good time to chill.
I'm fortunate this year to have my two daughters, Bella and Sophia, with us, Isabel and her Mom, as we are all up here for Isabel's Conley Family Reunion. To top it off, my oldest daughter, Tiffany, and her boyfriend, Josh Stephens, flew in last night, so we are all together. What struck me was how my girls are growing up. Tiffany is 27, Bella 13 and Sophia just turned 10. No more babies or little kids. It is so cool to watch them grow up and change and develop their personalities. The conversations have evolved and its neat to all chit chat, laugh and converse on more adult topics. I LOVE traveling with my girls - and we have some good trips coming on the calendar!!!!

You realize how fast the time is going by and having a 27 year old daughter, I know how fast the time is going to go with my girls before they are off exploring the world and shaping their own lives and families. I'm sure you all are experiencing the same. That's what I love about family trips during a Holiday. You get away and with things slowed down you get a snapshot of where you are in life's journey.

Meanwhile, my Mom and Dad, Mom 75 and Dad 80, drove to Durango from Phoenix, for the long weekend. They are there visiting my brother, James and wife, Beth and their three children - also growing up quickly. The two oldest, Rianne and Deryn are already off to college and their son - our only male Candelaria to carry on the name - Trevor, is in high school. My brother, who works with the US Department of Justice, is transferring to Jamaica in August. My father was born in Durango, and my brother and I went to high school there, and with my brother moving, I have to wonder if Dad and Mom wonder when the next time they will return. This is their first time back since moving to AZ last summer. It must be an emotional trip for all of them.

All of this just emphasizes how fast time marches on and how every moment with our loved ones is so precious. People grow old, they move, they follow their own paths, they die, they get married, they get divorced - its always in motion. Where will we all be tomorrow, next week, next year........who knows.....Hence, make the most of this day, this weekend. I wish all of my Candelaria Design crew, clients, and friends a wonderful weekend! Be proud to be an American and celebrate the good fortune we all have to experience our freedom with our families and loved ones in this great country. Happy 4th Everyone!!!