Marching Through March

What a busy March! Wow – I love it.

Thanks to all of those who made it out to watch my third performance of the National Anthem at the Giants/Indians game at Scottsdale Stadium. Nothing like having the mic go out on you during the first stanza but having the entire crowd rise up and sing along – a very special moment for sure.

So as always, we are busy not only with our clients and projects but with our community projects and events. I want to send a shout out and a congratulations to two of my good friends, Jerry Meek of Desert Star Construction and fellow ARA architect, Brent Kendle, both who were inducted into the Phoenix Home and Garden Magazine Master’s of the Southwest class of 2017 this month. I am proud to have them join me as I was inducted in 2005 and it is a real honor to be a part of this elite class of Masters of the Southwest!

We then were featured on AZ Family Channel 3 for the second time this year as they showcased our French Transitional estate in Paradise Valley currently listed by realtor Tracy Fitzgerald.

Then a week later on March 15th we finally were allowed to announce our involvement as the architect for this year’s HGTV Smart Home located right here in Scottsdale. What an honor to be a part of this team along with local builder, Jim Audiss of Eagle luxury Properties. and Interior Designer, Tiffany Brooks, Our Project Manager, Damon Wake, worked night and day to get the design completed and permitted and did so in 2 months – so yes we can design a home in just 60 days…..when the client gives us a program and lets us do our job! Stay tuned on April 18th for the premiere of the design and construction on the DIY Network at 8pm AZ Time.

Then it was off to Fight Night which is always a wonderful event marvelously orchestrated by the amazing Jimmy Walker. Such a magical evening always attended and supported by many of our clients and friends.

Now looking ahead, we have some marvelous community service projects we are involved in. On March 31st we will be hosting a table at the Ryan’s House Breakfast at the Arizona Biltmore. We are currently working with Taylor More in adding a Candelaria Design Storage Room to their beautiful facility located in Central Phoenix. They currently have to use one of their bedrooms for storage – a room that could be used for one of the many children and families who could use this space. Their waiting list is long and this storage room addition will make a big difference. Stay tuned for more on how we can get this done!

On April 7th my wife Isabel and I along with builders and our good friends, Rod and Kim Cullum, will host the BluePrints and Blue Jeans fund raiser for the Habitat for Humanity right at our Village of Mountain Shadows Project in Paradise Valley. Tickets are available now for this fun event where Isabel and I will be preparing and serving our signature paella right there in the kitchen! Please come out and support this amazing organization who does so much for so many in our community.

Finally, on April 28th Isabel and I will be the honorary hosts of this year’s Gigi’s Playhouse Gala at Wingate Ranch in Scottsdale! We are so proud to be a part of this organization and have been a part of the design and creation of Gigi’s Playhouse. Orchestrated and created by our good friend and client, Jennifer Gage, Gigi’s Playhouse is a one-of-a-kind achievement center for individuals with down syndrome and their families providing therapeutic and educational programs right here in Scottsdale, AZ. This Gala will be a total blast and I invite you all to come and have a fun evening with us!

Ok – meanwhile we are drawing away as many of you know. We are breaking ground on two beautiful homes in Paradise Valley and work continues on many others. We have some very cool projects on the boards too so get ready for more from Candelaria Design.

Our first Candelaria Design Tour Spain is SOLD OUT but we do have some room for some travelers for our September 2017 Tour Italy. This trip will be amazing and we will be finishing in Venice so you do not want to miss this!

Well I’m tired just typing this – so it’s back to the board to create some more!!!


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